Saturday, May 18, 2013

COCONUT OIL, Weigh in on the latest

So I would like to have opinions on this hype over coconut oil. Now don't get me wrong; I love coconut milk, fresh coconuts and all else coconut. But I have learned over the years that since coconut is high in saturated fats and when processed trans fats...I use in moderation. Also if you have a beautiful pure white product as opposed to 'natural-looking' brown...did you know it has been refined, purified and bleached? Is that a necessary part of creating a viable marketable product? Is anyone weighing in on the long term effects of those processes? Also if the very good for you lineolic acid in coconut is effective enough for cholesterol levels (lowers the bad numbers) to counteract something over 90% saturated as a main source of oil. I believe firmly in using what is available or what you can glean, in MODERATION! I am a bit annoyed that every new fad is just amazing or irreplaceable or scary without scientific facts because anything can be written and published online now. It is difficult to sort the fact and fiction, but researching better ways is such a drive of mine that I spend many late hours separating studies, medical journals and personnel ! PLEASE DO respond with some tips, suggestions, opinions?

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